Breakers & Entering


Recently, I visited the abandoned both beloved & hated waterpark, Breakers, outside Tucson, AZ. Opened in 1982, the waterpark fell on hard times & was shuttered in early 2018. Reasons for its closure included a park riddled with maintenance problems, health & ethical problems (like the minimum wage increasing) & falling attendance. Later that year, a fire broke out in one of the buildings & officially closed forever, though the colorful slides & features remain in good shape.

Below you’ll find some photos of my adventure through the place. If you were a local Tucsonian, I’m sure you might have some memories of this place. Let me know in the comments if you desire.


Bonus Content: Here’s an interesting Reddit thread from a former employee I found amusing. And here’s a photo gallery from The Arizona Daily Star with old Breakers photos & images from the night the fire broke out.


Buddy in Town


Cast a Line at Rose Canyon Lake