News Writing Samples
Students compete in cardboard boat race
Twelve teams gathered in Iles P.E. Center on Jan. 19, 2013 for the seventh annual Cardboard Boat Race.
In the first hour, students gathered as much cardboard as they could.
Southern Accent
Moment: Finders, keepers, unearthed relics bring history to life
Just a few feet below the ground, some of the greatest treasures are itching to be discovered. Charlotte Stevenson has mastered the art of finding Chattanooga's hidden treasures.
Chattanooga Times-Free Press
Moment: A long quest for adrenaline
Drean Whitener has been flying down hills since his 13th birthday, when he first received a longboard. Since then, he's skated every day and has even become a sponsored rider.
Chattanooga Times-Free Press