Lookout Towers of Eastern Montana
The Yager Lookout Tower sits abandoned, left exposed to the element as time does its dirty work.
They beckon back to the days of old, when the forests & grasslands were watched, the hard way. Dedicated individuals would sit atop high towers on mountain tops or simply tall hills to keep an eye out for fires.
What is it about these remote towers & their romantic charm that have so transfixed the American populace?
During their prime around the 1940s, almost 4,000 towers dotted the landscape of our national forests. Today, computerized lightning detection systems, drones, and helicopters have rendered most obsolete (fascinating writeup about that process from NPR).
Many towers have been razed to the ground, others left to rot, some were converted to something equivalent to a backwoods Airbnb. But a few remain. And to visit one is electrifying. The lookout life appears so charming. And as a firefighter, it is comforting knowing the human in the tower is always looking out for you.
Below are some photos of two towers: same forest, totally different circumstances. One manned, the other left as time does its dirty work.