My First Major Commercial Shoot: Nissan

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work with Nissan as they launched the opening of a new dealership in Cleveland, TN. I was charged with capturing images of the brand in recognizable places around the Cleveland/Chattanooga region, while leveraging my personal followings to build hype. An influencer, if you will.

The shoot was an incredible opportunity. I had the option of choosing two vehicles from their repertoire. Sadly, they didn’t trust me with the GTR, as can be expected, so I chose the Rogue & Titan. Also, it was the year they partnered with the Star Wars movie, Rogue One. So I was tasked with doing something interesting with that in mind for the Rogue.

Below were some of the best shots from this shoot. Enjoy!


Fire on the Mountain


Four Lakes? Or Was It Five?